Fine Times in Colorado

August 13th, 2013

We kicked off our Colorado CD release tour with live performance at KGNU Boulder, followed by hanging and hiking with old friends; we had an epic night at our


fave Front Range venue, Gold Hill Inn. We then headed up to KRFC studios in Ft. Collins for a “Live at Lunch” performance on air, followed by Loveland’s scenic Foote Lagoon concert series. Wow!

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Crestone Music Festival was a hoot. They put us up at a hot springs (aaah) and then spoiled us with local “yak” pot roast, massages, and microbrews. And those Sangre de Cristos music lovers were something else–the crowd was AWESOME!

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We then trekked up to Keystone for the Keystone Bluegrass & Beer Festival Saturday, where we also taught instrument workshops.



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Onward from Keystone, we headed up the scenic Cottonwood Pass at dusk, experiencing majestic panoramic vistas and hairy turns on our way down to Crested Butte. We awoke in the morning to play at Crested Butte Arts Festival and visit Chris Coady at KBUT Studios on Sunday.

DSCN3929 DSCN3943DSCN3947 Onward to KVNF in Paonia, we played a set on-air and enjoyed a visit to Carbondale where we played at Steve’s Guitars and KDNK Radio. What an incredible, scenic tour…complete with some of the nicest people we’ve ever had a chance to meet. Thank you, Colorado!

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  RockyGrass Academy
Jul 23 Lyons, CO
  RockyGrass Academy
Jul 24 Lyons, CO
  RockyGrass Academy


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