Monthly Archives: July 2015

Summer Tour Out West!

July 1st, 2015

Rebecca FrazierAnother summer of fantastic Western scenery & amazing mountain folks in WY, UT, & CO! We’d really like to thank the festivals and concert series who hosted us this year.

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The fun began at Arts in the Park in Thermopolis, WY where we took advantage of the “largest mineral spring” in the country & enjoyed a summer eve of ‘grass. Travelin’ on towards Evanston, WY, we experienced our first Beer, Brats, & Bluegrass.

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Rebecca Frazier


DSCN0071Rebecca FrazierIn Utah, we drew a ‘grass-loving crowd at the popular Park Silly Sunday Market, presented by Mountain Town Music. We drove many a mile down to Crested Butte, CO, where we had the pleasure of being greeted by happy, happy music lovers at the packed Alpenglow Concert Series. We know it’s been a long rainy spring for Coloradoans, and they were happy for some sunshine and music!

Rebecca Frazier

Rebecca FrazierRebecca FrazierRebecca Frazier

Del Norte was our next Colorado stop. Wildwood Sounds is a fantastic listening room that deserves lots more notoriety!! Thanks so much to the Crawfords for hosting us!DSCN0156

In Lakewood, we were THIS CLOSE to being rained out again at Bonfils Ampitheater for Sounds Exciting Summer Concert Series, but we stuck it out through the storms. 600 tickets were sold for our show…but even through thunderstorms, a couple hundred people showed up in rain gear. We LOVE YOU, Coloradoans. You are tough.

Rebecca Frazier

Rebecca Frazier Rebecca FrazierRebecca Frazier

Armed with instruments post-show, we took over the Vine Street Pub in Denver for Nate’s birthday cake and beer! Next, we headed back into the heart of the Rockies, we were Western Slope bound and performed the first ever Gunnison Block Party. Thanks Bryan Wickenhauser and iBar Ranch for inviting us! The grande finale of our tour was Wallsburg, UT, for the 2nd annual Wallsburg Music Festival, and it was…magic! Thank you to the Shupe family. We look forward to seeing you again next year, Westerners. <3

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  Tico Time Bluegrass Festival


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